
Collection of the docs for Centaurify's Protocol and related products.

This project is maintained by CentaurifyOrg

VikingVault - Erc20 SingleStaking with rewards distribution.

Table of contents


VikingVault.sol is a smart contract written in Solidity language.


We wanted to develop and deploy a smart contract that would allow us to incentivize and reward our community, for being long-term token HODLERS, contributing to our community, and supporting our project.

We decided that Staking would be the safest and best solution to reach our goal, to distribute rewards among those who wants to stake their tokens with us long-term.

TicketVault is a custom developed smart-contract for single ERC20 staking and rewards distribution.

With this documentation, we will give you an in-depth description of the features in this smart contract.

How To

Step-by-step tutorial

To be able to follow this step-by-step tutorial, please be sure to follow the installation guide, and that you run the unit tests and they passed without errors before continuing with the following steps.

1. Step One

Constructor screenshot

| Deployment Status :
| Contract owner : 0x2fa005F3e5a5d35D431b7B8A1655d2CAc77f22AB | Fee address : 0x2fa005F3e5a5d35D431b7B8A1655d2CAc77f22AB | | —————————————————————————— | Contract deployed : | TokenAddress : 0x938f689d828D6d105BAc52F9DE605d6C6CCa1CD1 | TicketVault : 0x6Fa408C20cEC935e4e0F3227Fbb4B12499Cb99F3 | StakePeriod : 7862400 Sec. ———————————————————————————- ```

2. Step two



  1. VikingVault.sol
  2. Fees.sol

VikingVault Code

Description of the code in VikingVault.sol.


Enum Status description


Custom errors

Custom errors are thrown if a function call has failed and is reverted.


Public methods

Public state variables, and other non-state changing methods, consumes no gas when they are executed and run.

Restricted methods

onlyOwner restricted (only the owner address can call these methods).

Private methods

Private methods are only visible internal and can only be called by this contract.